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Podgląd wątku (najnowsze pierwsze)

2014-10-23 12:55:52

McDD is maybe a subcluster of possible symptoms of aucorigia. It is severer by definition, more unsuitable to world, with bizarre thinking and emotions.

McDD = polymixia; HFA (generalized) = aucorigia; AS = aucorigia; relatively mild PDD = aucorigia;  NVLD - not a SEB disorder, subcluster of learning problems quite often found with aucorigia; dyssemia, sensory processing disorder, sluggish cognitive tempo, alexithymia - possible aucorigia traits and symptoms; childood-onset schizophrenia spectrum disorder - a type of not mild aucorigia or heavier PDD

Negative subaucorigia - generalized developmental mental borderline "disability", something such as normality quotient from 70 to 90. It may be with learning problems, ADHD or other "more specific" developmental disorder.

NVLD is aucorigian trait. NVLD in all forms may become "aucorigic", it is a complex developmental disorder even without SEB symptoms.

OCD (especially when the symptoms are from early childhood) appear to be aucorigian trait. Strange customs in early childhood are aucorigic traits. ADHD symptoms are potentially aucorigic also.

Gifted or bright children with aucorigia should be easily different from non-aucorigic. Non-phenotypical aucorigia has more or less apparent symptoms (but apparent) in early childhood. Not all children with it have to be strongly dyssemic (such as having very poor eye contact). Speech or learning problems are not necessary at all, although common. There is probably much more introverted persons with it than in general population.

2014-10-20 17:35:07

Pra-PDD is panmixia. It has "full blending". It has traits of LD, ASD and McDD, but also NT. More NT than especially two previous. Panmixia hybridizes with neurotypicality also, which make it relative high-functioning. In classic panmixia (panmixia is a form of aucorigia, a central one) NT, LD, ASD and McDD are "wimpy". Nobody is dominating. NT, LD, ASD and McDD lose their "strong" traits, but the panmixia remains: socially inept, obsessive, not so strongly learning disabled (no ID, classic aucorigia (also panmictic) has above-average IQ), has unsuitability to world and emotional and thinking bizarrity, it has to have many NT traits. Two first are autistic traits, third is LD trait, fourth and five - polymictic, seventh is neurotypical.

Panmictics are from Vihudones (from Slavic-like words "vihudo" meaning comfort or "vihoditi" meaning something like (?) "to come out" - as a pra-PDD being an ancestors of others) and Toransti (Germanic-like name for severe physical and existential dread sufferers) tribes in my metaphors. They live in flat, usually sweltering and dry area. Toransti live in desert - it is the symbol of temptation. Toransti are somewhat aggresive and "wild" tribe, Vihudones are more peaceful. Neighbors of them live in generally colder and more hilly or mountainous area.

2014-10-12 22:19:05

Less psychotypical and more bizarre - the lower position, the more apsychotypical and bizarre condition:

Normal giftedness (classic gifted children are not "socially inept nerds"!)

Learning disorder (not "NVLD")

Classic ASD

Classic McDD (autism spectrum + schizophrenia spectrum, developmental, apparent)

"Pra-PDD" (hard to classificate, "relics" with special psychological profile - somewhat between four earliers, mixing traits of all without clear domnation, contains traits of neurotypcality, LD, ASD, McDD, but is not a good example of them all)

2008-12-27 10:11:20

ZH mogą być pewnie także w innej postaci, np. obsesyjne zainteresowanie jedną osobą (PDA) lub niezwykle bogate fantazje z niezwykłymi wyobrażeniami i straszliwym lękiem ale bez trudności z odróżnianiem fikcji od rzeczywistości jak w McDD przy wielu charakterystykach autystycznych.

2008-12-05 19:47:59

Real hyperimaginative paranoid-disregulative disorder (McDD) and hyperimaginative autistic-anancastic disorder (HAAD)
The first disorder is normal child which had toxic autistic traits but this second condition is based on any autistic disorder with characteristic imagination progress. First diorder is many uncontrollable and have big troubles to different real and fiction and second is usually "hypercontrollable" and have more autistic behaviours. In both disorders lacks in the theory of mind not must be so big like in F84.0 but practically always they have problems (less or bigger) with speech and understanding. McDD beliefs in delusions and HAAD in specific compulsion and disorder start early. People with this disorders aren't aspies or auties. Any real aspie have HI.

[edit] Hyperimagination characteristics:
strange emotion (uncontrollable, children-feelings, troubles with feeling loneliness, specific character of contact)
anxiety of physical sufferity, totrures, risk of morbid eschatomania, things which don't exist - safety pattern disorder
strange forms of mood problems - unusual sadness feelings, excitation waves
often appears like schizotypal personality: ideas of delusions usually "accepted" in McDD; strange, often very unpleasant beliefs, sppech and thinking, disturbations in affect, characteristic behaviour and appearance, many paranoid fears
obessive-compulsive disorder with "magic" beliefs and specific strange characteristics, sometimes similarities to schizophrenic, very intensive
disorganisation in behaviour and incoherences with expression emotions
specific unusual perceptual experiences often with hallucinations
obsessive, strong visual and auditory fantasions (psychodelic thoughts), pathological thougts disorder
usually negative symptoms like in schizophrenia
often formal thought disorder
Other symptoms:

marked impairments in nonverbal behaviors
strong failure to develop peer relationships
lack of social or emotional reciprocity
troubles with theory of mind and general speech or/and language
extremal preoccupation with stereotyped and restricted patterns of interest that is abnormal either in intensity or focus
a lot of stereotyped and repetitive mannerisms
significant troubles in sensory integration and motor skills
The better form of curation is controlling this, what you is thinking and help with other.

[edit] Causes
own sin??? and laziness
probably brain damages similar/like in autistic disorders?
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2008-12-04 19:56:07

Pzewlekłe zburzenie hiperimaginacyjne czyli zespół wielu złozonych zaburzeń rozwojowych - osoby z tym zaburzeniem czuja lek praktycznie do wszystkiego imają trudności z odróżnieniem fikcji od rzeczywistości... jeśli autyśi maja deficyty w wyobraźni, to osoby z McDD wyraźny nadmiar uniemożliwiający właściwe funkcjonowanie. pewne cechy ASD są obecne ale patrzą się w oczy.

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