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#1 2012-11-26 10:03:24




Uważa się grzech, piekło, ból, unicestwienie za co¶, co jest dziełem Stwórcy, czyni±c z niego dręczyciela, krzywdziciela, m±ciwodę, burzyciela, niszczyciela, podżegacza... (zobacz znaczenie słowa HOVAH) Pojawiaj± się wielkie liczby pogladów nazwajem groż±cych sobie piekłem! W mortalizmie każdy jest potępiony na wieki, chociaż nie przez cierpienie, lecz przez unicestwienie. Mortalizm znieważa Miło¶ć i dobroć Stwórcy i czyni Go niszczycielem własnych "dzieci"! Ale nawet ateizm wielu wydaje się lepszy od mnóstwa religii groż±cych jeszcze gorszym scenariuszem... Stwórca nie ma niebieskiej skóry, ale kalwinizacja jest jescze gorsza.

Kalwinizacja - ciekawie w języku polskim się składa, bo kojarzy się to ze słowami "kał" i "wina" - czyli kalwinizm to kult "brudu winy"!

Jeszcze jedna ciekawa gra słów - ¶winia i wieprzowina (zwierzę najbardziej kojarzone jako nieczyste, bardzo chętnie jedzone w Polsce). ¦winia - z winy - z winia - ¶winia (czyli co¶, co powstaje z winy - jakby aluzja do tego, że ludzie zaistnieli dlatego, bo kto¶ (jak aniołowie czy rodzice) wcze¶niej zgrzeszyli. Angielskie słowo swinery (s viny - z winy - utworzony z winy - stworzony przez to, że zaistniała wina...) jest też ciekawe - według sadystycznego (błędnego) teizmu stworzenia to tuczniki, których pasz± jest wina (grzech) - swiner - z winer -- swinery to "ci, co powstali dzięki winie"; wieprzowina - wieprz-o-wina - "wina wieprza" - aluzja do brudnego zwierzęcia, jakim jest wieprz, i oczywi¶cie winy (grzechu) w słowie "wieprzowina" - czyli wieprzowina to grzech obci±żaj±cy grzesznika, a "jedzenie wieprzowiny" to rozkosz zwi±zana z kar± dla grzeszników - kto cieszy się z potępienia kogo¶, ten "spożywa wieprz-o-WINĘ" i w niej gustuje! Niestety, wyglada na to, że "idolizowanie" wieprz-o-WINY jest bardzo powszechne na ¶wiecie. Idolizacja wieprz-o-WINY jest czym¶ odrażaj±cym, całkowicie sprzecznym z miło¶ci± i dobroci±, bluĽnierstwem i bałwochwalstwem - idolizuj±cy wieprz-o-winę chce jak najbardziej nasycić się smakiem wieprz-o-WINY - czerpać rozkosze z cierpień i kar grzeszników! Może lepiej naprawdę zrezygnować z wieprzowiny, wiele stron mówi, że jest ona niezbyt korzystna dla duszy, a także i ciała. Chodzi tu o mięso ¶wini, nie wieprz-o-WINĘ.

#2 2012-11-30 18:51:02



Re: Wieprzowina

Tekst mówi±cy o szkodliwo¶ci wieprzowiny, która została zabroniona w Biblii:



True science and the Bible are the best of friends.  There is discord between the theories of scientists and the dogmas of religionists.  Render unto science the things that belong to science but render unto God the things that are God’s.  Science is the servant of Christianity, not its master.  Science reads the Book of books.  There is perfect harmony between the two books; the difficulty often arises from the eyes through which these books are read.
     One of the amazing things about the Pentateuch is the fact of its absolute scientific accuracy.  It is one of the most scientific documents every written.  Moses was one of the greatest scientific minds that ever lived.  Exact statements of scientific laws only discovered in recent years will often by found in these sacred pages.

     Moses declared against the eating of any flesh that was killed by strangling or dying of itself.  Moses knew the great scientific truth that putrid blood is poison.  The nervous shock to the blood and flesh of an animal killed by strangling produces a poisonous condition making it unfit for table use.  The law provides carefully for the bleeding and draining of flesh to be used as food.

     One well-known writer says, “This includes a chicken whose neck has been wrung instead of being cut so as to properly bleed the victim; also, all creatures that are killed with a hammer instead of being bled, as are most of our beef cattle in this country.  The law provided that a keen knife be used to bleed them, thus enabling the heart to pump all of the blood from the veins and leave the flesh from all deleterious matter, which can never be done if the action of the heart stopped by first striking down the animal.  Has this law become obsolete?  Never, as Jesus said, ‘till heaven and earth pass away.’  For our physical welfare only, God wisely and kindly forbade the eating of blood in any and all forms.  As an article of diet there are few more dangerous substances known that putrid blood.  It is a venomous poison, and even the most thorough cooking does not entirely destroy the direful results.  The daredevil acts of some butchers in drinking warm blood are based on the densest ignorance, and yield their fearful fruits in an imbuted soul and a diseased brain and body.”
Leviticus Eleven

     The eleventh chapter of Leviticus is one of the mountain peaks of the Mosaic Law.  It deals with diet.  If the system promulgated hear was observed to-day, the human race would be immune to about nine-tenths of its diseases.  And old proverb says, “Tell me what you eat and I and swine.  Certain fowls are forbidden while others are permitted.

     The animals possessing a cud and divided hoof have virtually three stomachs as refining and purifying centers.  They take in only vegetable foods and it requires twenty-four hours for this food to change into flesh.  The food is refined, cleaned, purified, with poisonous matter removed by the end process before it is built into the physical structure of the animal.  It was not a matter of religious ceremony that the cud-chewing beast was permitted for food.  It was a physiological provision for the welfare of the nation and for all subsequent generations that would abide by these supernaturally inspired instructions.

     Notice that the swine is strictly forbidden.  “And the swine, though he divide the hoof, and he cloven-footed, yet he cheweth not the cud; he is unclean to you.” –Leviticus 1:7.  The hog is an ugly creature.  Nothing good can be said about him.  The hog was in his proper sphere when Jesus cast the demons out of the Gadarene and into the swine, as desribed in the eighth chapter of Luke.

     The swine’s anatomy produces a bad appetite and it has a poorly built stomach.  Within three hours from the time he grunts out of the mud to his swill-trough or putrid carrion, he may be butchered and man may eat him, assured that the dirty, filthy, diseased matter has been changed into flesh, pork chops and spare ribs.  Moses passes condemnation upon this kind of food.  The best the hog can give you is produce from the dirtiest, filthiest, most rotten, most diseased material in the world.  He is the mukraker of the farm.  The food that it eats is polluted even before it passes into his poluted body.  The best of modern science says that many of the worst diseases to which western civilization is subject to-day, can be traced to the blunder of eating pork.  Moreover, in a moral sense, animal flesh stirs to action the baser passions of the flesh life of depraved human nature – the very passions which Christians should be most eager to have destroyed through self-crucifixion.

     The hog can live only about eight years because his diet is so deadly poison.  “ The swine is a scavenger, the turkey buzzard of the animal kingdom, the hyena or jackal of civilization; and not withstanding the preaching of some to the contrary, God has never cleansed or sanctified or transformed him.  He is still a hog,” – This is the language of one informed scholar.

     EAT SWINE AND INHERIT FROM HIM ALL MANNER OF BLOOD DISEASES, STOMACH TROUBLES, LIVER ILLS, CANCERS and TUMORS!  He is the cause of much suffering.  He deserved the curse that Moses placed upon him.  Jews and Japanese, who eat no pork, know little or nothing of the diseases which the hog hung on ancient Egypt and the western civilization of today.  It is said that there was no word for cancer in the original Hebrew language.  However cancer has become a fearful curse among Jews in recent years, and all because, the modern Jew is ‘letting down the bars,” on pork eating.
     An emminent precher has this to say:

     “If you eximine carefully you will find a small abrasion just behind the front foot of the pig.  Rub it off clean and press the leg just above the abrasion and you may squeeze a teaspoonful of dirty matter from it.  This is the outlet of a sewer pipe that may be traced all through the animal’s body.  It helps to draft off the teeming filth with which the system is filled.  If this external opening becomes clogged, the animal will run about and grunt and rub his leg on anything handy, and manifest great pain.  He seems almost to know that he will soon sicken of so-called cholera and blood-poison and die of his internal filth, unless he keeps this sewer open.

     “On a close analysis of this filthy, scrofulous serum – the ‘culture’ of its bacilli under varied conditions – it is seen to contain the elements of many dangerous diseases; yet how toothsome are ‘pickled pigs feet’ to ignorance, unbelief, and disobedience.  It is this internal and intrinsic vileness that causes a large percentage of our hogs to be filled with trichina and results in such havoc to human health.

     “We might be excused from diverting our attention from the scientific side of this discussion long enough to insert a few remarks on this heaven-forbidden American delicacy.  This creature, which has been condemned both logically and theologically, takes precedence with ignorance over all the creatures of creation as an article of diet.  He, of all creatures, is literally devoured.  His body is eaten, his head turned into head cheese, and even his ears and tail inserted.  His blood is turned into blood pudding; his stomach is transformed into tripe; his feet are pickled; his intestines are used for sausage covers, his heart, liver and kidneys are cooked; and his very bristles are sought for wax ends, etc.  There is not even his grunt left unused, for the transgressors against God and nature’s laws take up this undesirable remnant, and often grunt with disease and squeal in pain caused by their folly.  Surely a man is what he eats.  Is the law against this dirty, deadly diet obsolete?

     Jesus has great respect for the law of Moses.  While some of the ordinances of worship were set aside by the advancement of Christianity over the rites and symbols of Jewish worship, yet the great moral laws of the Mosaic code remain unchanged. (note: by the author of the pages to which this article is affixed.  We do not believe that there were every any ordinances of worship set aside by Christianity.  We do see that as the Temple’s were destroyed and the people scattered all over the world that they were not longer able to keep the ordinances due to their being no Temple and or priesthood but they were not set aside.  As a matter of fact the prophets tell us plainly that these same ordinances that have been claimed to have been set aside by Christianity are again in effect in the Kingdom when Messiah comes.  So this claim by the author Dr. Gerald B. Winrod we take issue with.  He is a doctor and scientist and on the issues of his expert witness on the issues of the pig we may consider but his theological understanding is not something that this author considers completely factual.  The Reader beware.) Jesus said, “Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.” – (Matt. 5:18).

     True we are living under Grace to-day Grace is not to be taken as license to indulge fleshly appetites and carnal desires contrary to the Law of Moses. GRACE SIMPLY MEANS SPIRITUAL AID AND VICTORY IN KEEPING THE LAW.  GRACE MEANS THAT THE LAW IS WRITTEN ON THE TABLETS OF THE HEART.  Grace is that supernatural action in the soul that transforms the nature of the individual so that he will not want to break the Law.  Grace transmutes base desires and puts very definite restraints upon the perverse tendencies of human nature.  Grace is not license.  The ‘Thou shalt nots’ of the Law are emodied in the soul of the one who is really experiencing Grace.

     Trichinosis, a disease directly tracable to infection from eating the flesh of swine, is very, very seldom correctly diagnosed.  Research on the infection with Trichniella spiralis among the populations of the U.S. has been carried on under skillful supervision of Dr. Willard H. Wright, chief of the U.S. Zoology Lab. Dr. Thomas Parran, Surgeon General, head of the U.S. Public Health Service, makes the startling declaration that there are now 16,000,0000 cases of Trichinosis in this U.S.A.

     Prof. Maurice Hall reports that out of 222 cases of Trichinosis (from a study of cadavers from hospitals), not one was correctly diagnosed!

     One of America’s greatest researchers on the problem states: “Upon the ingestion of the third stage larvae in infested muscle, the larvae are freed from the cyst by the action of the gastric juices and then proceed to migrate to the intestine.  Here they develop to maturity and after fertilization the adult worms produce living embryos which invade the blood stream and are carried to all of the voluntary muscles of the body. The embryos develop in a relatively short time to third stage larvae in the muscle.  The larvae alive during the low heat processing which transforms the SWINE FLESH (Isa. 65: 3-4; 66:17) into summer sausages, wienerwurst, frankfurters, etc.

     “When consumed by humans, the digestive juices in the stomach dissolve around the coiled worms and set them free.  The young larvae born in the small intestines then begin to take their horrible toll.  They travel through the body the blood stream and lymphatics, and may lodge either temporarily or permanently in the glands and lymph nodes, brain, heart, skeletal muscles, or other tissue.  It will thus be seen that the symptoms of different sufferers vary greatly and are not different than symptoms of other diseases, both infection and non-infection and the disease is diagnosed by physicians as “Ptomaine poisoning,” “intestinal Influenza,” “Malaria,” “Acute Alcoholism,” “Typhoid Fever,” “Appendicitis,” “Colitis,” “Ulcers,” “Gall Bladder involvement,” Scarlet Fever,” “Asthma,” “Pneumonia,” “Neuritis,” “Mumps,” “Rheumatism,” “T.B.,” “Undulant Fever,” “Lead poisoning,” etc. etc.  When the larvae lodge around the heart, the disease is diagnosed as various forms of “Heart Disease,” etc, etc, etc…..In reality it is “Trichinosis’!

     “One reason millions of people in the U.S. are infected with Trichinosis is because pork is used so widely as an adulterant in meat products.  The P.H.R. concludes that of the total persons dying in the U.S. over the period of these surveys, ONE our of Six was infected with the Trichina parasite!  Further more, the hog is such a dangerous carrier of disease because the animal inself is diseased.  Its lungs are frequently filled with ‘tubercles.’  In 75 cases of 100 you will find the liver filled with abcesses.  LARD THEN IS NOTHING MORE THAN EXTRACT OF A DISEASED CARCASS.”

      “Isaiah 65:3-4. “A people that provoke Me to anger continually to My face; that sacrificeth in gardens, and burneth incense upon altars of brick; which remain among the graves, and lodge in the monuments, which EAT SWINE’S FLESH, and THE ABOMINATION,  and the MOUSE, SHALL BE CONSUMED TOGETHER, said the Lord.”
     (Do you wish to order “pork chops” for dinner tonight?)
    Printed originally by Biggs’ Printing, 1726 S. Pennsylvania Ave., Lansing 10, Mich.

#3 2013-06-02 14:41:44



Re: Wieprzowina

¦winia to błototarzacz, zwierzę o wygl±dzie przypominaj±cym nagiego człowieka z dużymi po¶ladkami, niekulturalne, więc nic dziwnego, że to wła¶nie wieprz stał się symbolem tego, co nieczyste, niewła¶ciwe...

Mówi się, że:

- ¶winia magazynuje w sobie niezdrowe substancje (między innymi przez to, że w zasadzie się nie poci), ulepszenie technik chowu nie ma na to wpływu
- ¶winia gnije znacznie szybciej niż inne zwierzęta domowe
- ¶winia może być nosicielem mnóstwa pasożytów
- jedzenie wieprzowiny, a nie picie alkoholu, powoduje zwiększon± ilo¶ć zachorowań na marsko¶ć w±troby
- ¶winia w klimacie Arabii czy Palestyny znacznie łatwiej się psuje, na dodatek jest tam inny klimat - suchszy i gorętszy, trudniej o zboże, trawa względnie łatwiej dostępna, ni± żywi± się krowy i owce, dla ¶wini to nie jest dobry pokarm

Wniosek z tego taki, że nic dziwnego, że ¶winia jest uznawana za nieczyst± przez tyle kultur, a wieprzowina jest do¶ć niezdrowa i warto jej nie je¶ć!

#4 2013-06-10 13:52:43



Re: Wieprzowina

Swinie sa brudne. Swinie smierdza strasznie. Typowa swinia wyglada jak otyly czlowiek z rozneglizowanymi posladkami. Budowa ciala swini uniemozliwia jej spojrzenie w niebo. Knur caly czas czuje poped plciowy i ma bardzo duze genitalia. Swinie z natury lubia paplac sie w blocie (brudzie). Swinie nie daja mleka czy jaj, w przeciwienstwie do krow czy kur. Trawa stanowi slaby pokarm dla swin, a krowy, owce, kozy, kury mozna skuteczniej nia zywic, a trawa jest powszechna. Swinie pozeraja zboza, ziemniaki. Mozna by z tego zrobic pozywienie dla mnostwa ludzi, a nie to niezdrowe mieso. Podobno jedzenie wieprzowiny powoduje wyzsze ryzyko zachorowania na marskosc watroby. Na Bliskim Wschodzie wieprzowina latwiej sie psuje ze wzgledu na goracy klimat, jest tez wiekszy problem z woda dla swin. Nic dziwnego, ze swinie uznano za zwierze nieczyste, bo sam wyglad swini domowej europejskiej i jej zachowanie moze wzbudzac pogarde - brudna, gruba, niekulturalna, szybko palaszujaca bez przezuwania, szybciej trawi oraz w zasadzie sie nie poci (przez to wiecej toksyn gromadzi sie w miesie wieprzowym niz wolowym).

#5 2016-01-13 22:56:41



Re: Wieprzowina

Better to not eat the pig, the mud-wallower. It can be associated with gluttony and lust.

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